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Central Heating Service Information

Ask any seasoned UK homeowner and they will gladly confirm that central heating requires regular servicing in order to perform at optimum levels, and the servicing should be carried out in the autumn, prior to the arrival of the freezing winter months, when you heating must work very hard to maintain the desired temperature.

Central Heating Servicing

The major components of a central heating system service are as follows:

  • Boiler – The boiler is the most important component of all, and your local plumbers in Doncaster would check the burner, while also checking for leaks or corrosion at the joints. If the burn flame is blue, this indicates a lean burn, which is fine, yet a yellow flame is indicative of an unbalanced mixture of fuel and air.
  • Thermostat – If a thermostat is inaccurate, this can result in using too much fuel, and one of the checks the heating engineer would carry out is the accuracy of the thermostat.
  • Water Pump – The water pump is checked for leaks or signs of corrosion, and should there be any issues, the pump would either be repaired or replaced, depending on whether the engineer thinks a replacement is necessary.
  • Radiator Check – The heating engineer would check every radiator, looking mainly for leaks or air that is trapped in the system. If there is air in the system, the engineer has a special tool to bleed the system at the radiator in question.

The heating engineer would request that the central heating is working when he arrives, which allows him to inspect the system while it is in operation.

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